Uninvited review

I have read quite a few books by Lysa TerKeurst, enough where I can consistently spell her last name correctly, have listened to a couple of audiobooks as well so I read everyhting in HER VOICE NOW (When she writes it anyway). Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely might be my favorite. It’s beautiful, seriously, READ IT! The title describes it well, about drawing nearer to God and keeping Him first, even though you feel like He’s far away because the world feels against you. So, instead of butchering her words, here are a few quotes that I hope I typed up correctly.



Finally I see that honesty isn’t trying to hurt me. It’s trying to heal me.


We run at a breakneck pace to try and achieve what God simply wants us to slow down enough to receive. He really does have it all worked out. The gaps are filled. THe heartache is eased. The provision is ready. The needs are met. The questions are answered. The problems are solved.


Fullness comes to use when we remember to be with HIm before going out to serve Him. He wants our hearts to be in alignment with Him before our hands set about doing today’s assignment for him.


The spotlight never fixes our insecurities. It only magnifies what we though popularity would cover up.


One of the most damaging elements in relationships is pride. That need to be the expert, the right one, the most knowledgeable-it pulls us down into a pit of pride we probably would never label as such. And because pride is so hard to see, here’s a hint of how to know it’s there: The less we feel we need to address pride in our lives, the more it has already blinded us.

I received this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest opinion.

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