2016 prayers

I never understood when people would say “God spoke to me,” or “God led me to this answer.” It sounded like a bunch of, well, baloney (who knew I’d EVER use that word on my blog? Hmm…)

So, I’ll be honest. I haven’t done a lot of Bible reading over the course of the last year. My life has been hard, and feels like it’s a downward spiral and I think my brain just decided I didn’t need that mess in my head. I have a chronic pain condition called myoclonus, which causes my legs, and sometimes my arms, to jolt violently and I have little to no control over it. It is progressively getting worse. This, coupled with insomnia, has been a big part of my seeming downward spiral. I still don’t have a job. I read, stay home, take care of my kid, and leave when necessary. It’s actually really hard as someone who is typically a social person.

One night, I believe it was my birthday actually, the pain was just so bad that I fell down and prayed. Prayer made a difference, I just had been ignoring it. I prayed. I prayed hard and within 20 minutes or so, the pain went away. I did this every night for a couple of weeks before I realized how God was testing me. He KNEW that I had to ask for healing each night so that I would pray. So that I would make it a habit and remember it daily. I know this and I appreciate it because it does make me pray nightly for healing, but also for thanks and forgiveness and grace. Even some nights I don’t do it and am mad that i can’t sleep once I remember the pain will eventually go away. No, my sleep schedule is not getting better yet but I’m working on it.

Now, to the original statement. God speaking to people. I started reading my Bible daily again. I have a Kindle version of the Amplified Bible and recently received the NLT Illustrated Study Bible. I never really understood the point of a study Bible per say previously, but now I get it! It helps so much having two versions sitting in front of me. I also journal what I read using a Give Me Jesus Bible journal from Life Lived Beautifully. I finished the book of Acts that I had started last year and prayed asking God to tell me which to study next. He told me James. I can’t explain how I knew he told me I needed the book of James, but he did. And it is completely eye opening and exactly what I needed. I just needed to listen.

[My Bible Study tools below. The NLT Study Bible, Give Me Jesus Journal front and an inside page, and my Kindle.]


1 thought on “2016 prayers

  1. that’s amazing how God worked in your life!! I pray that he continues to heal you and take your daily pain away!

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