Monthly Archives: September 2019


I always want to come back to this platform and do more but the truth is, I rarely have enough energy to get out of bed most days. I do read a lot and will continue to do so but my energy for much else isn’t really there. I may try to do little mini reviews here as I find it easier to post here than on instagram. So for starters, here are some of my favorite reads from the last year or so.

everyone knows

Everyone Knows You Go Home by Natalia Sylvester is really good (and look at that cover) and she has a new Young Adult book coming out in May of next year that I will be getting as well! Everyone Knows You Go Home was my favorite read of 2018 and so so good I still recommend it all the time.


Monsoon Mansion was my second favorite read of last year and that is as far as I got with ranking my reads for 2018 since I read 150 something books last year. This one is a nonfiction memoir that reads like fiction and is definitely a sad but good read. Hopefully that makes sense.

a little life

A book I read this year that absolutely crushed me and I still loved it even though I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room more than once was A Little Life. I cried. I smiled. I wanted to yell and scream, okay I may have actually screamed what the hell a few times because what the hell? Another bookstagrammer was reading at the same time and we kept sending messages of yelling and anger and happiness then rage and we still both rated it 5 stars. We loved it but we were mad as hell at it. Still, 10/10 would recommend reading it.

I’ll try to do this every week or so with recommendations and maybe by genre.